Privacy Policy

Smile Picture (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "the application") respects and protects the privacy of users. We attach great importance to user privacy protection and are committed to protecting the security of users' personal information. This privacy policy aims to clarify our principles and methods for collecting, using, storing and protecting users' personal information. Please read and understand this privacy policy carefully before using this software.


Information collection and use

1. We collect information generated when you use our application so that we can optimize the user experience. We may collect your device information, such as device model, operating system version, etc. This information will be used for the maintenance and management (including security management) of the application, network, system or infrastructure, to analyze and measure how you use our services to improve the service or optimize the performance of the website or application.

2. We may collect your usage data in this software, including browsing records, collection records, wallpaper application records, etc. These data will be used to analyze your usage habits and preferences in order to recommend more suitable wallpaper content to you.

3. We will not collect or use your personally identifiable information without authorization, nor will we actively collect information unrelated to the services provided by the application.


Information use and sharing:

1. The device information we collect is only used for the normal operation and optimization of application functions and will not be used for other commercial purposes.

2. We will not share or transfer your information to third parties unless explicitly authorized by you or required by law.

3. We will take necessary security measures to protect the security of your information and prevent information leakage and damage.

4. Provide personalized services: recommend suitable wallpapers to you based on your preferences and usage habits.

5. Improve products and services: optimize software functions and interface design by analyzing user data.

6. Subject to compliance with laws and regulations, we may provide relevant information at the request of government or judicial agencies.

7. In the following situations, the collection and use of personal information does not require your prior authorization and consent:

Directly related to national security and national defense security;

Necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract to which the individual is a party;

comply with legal procedures;

Necessary to protect your life, health and property in emergency situations;

Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;

In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, we collect information that you have disclosed to the public on your own or that has been legally disclosed to the public within a reasonable scope.


Information security and privacy protection:

1. You have the right to refuse to provide personal information, but this may affect the use of some functions of the application.

2. We promise to minimize the amount of information we collect and will not collect irrelevant information.

3. We will establish a complete information security management system and clarify the processes and responsibilities for the collection, use, storage and protection of personal information. We will regularly conduct privacy protection training for employees to improve their understanding and awareness of personal information protection.

4. Due to the complexity and unpredictability of the Internet environment, we cannot fully guarantee the absolute security of your data during transmission or storage.

5. We attach great importance to the privacy protection of minors. If you are a minor, please obtain the consent of your parent or guardian before using this software. If we find that we have collected your relevant information without your guardian's permission, we will take steps to delete the relevant information as soon as possible.

6. We will take reasonable technical measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure or destruction. We will use encryption technology, access control and other means to ensure the security of your personal information during transmission and storage.

7. We will back up data regularly to prevent data loss or damage. At the same time, we will also formulate a data recovery plan to ensure that data can be quickly restored in the event of an unexpected situation and to ensure the normal use of users.


Privacy Policy Update

1. We reserve the right to modify the privacy policy at any time and will provide update notifications within the app. Your continued use means that you are aware of and agree to our latest privacy policy.

2. You should check the latest privacy policy regularly to understand how we handle personal information.

3. We have the right to adjust the functions of the application and will notify you in an appropriate form after the adjustment.


Contact us

If you have any questions about the above policies, please contact us: [email protected]